Payroll services for accountants

What could your team be doing if they weren’t doing client payrolls?

Let us handle your payroll headaches

As a trusted accountant, your clients expect you to offer payroll services if they aren’t doing it themselves. It’s a given, but it’s rarely appreciated.

The result? It drains your resources, frustrates your team, and risks your client relationships. Payroll isn’t a simple admin task anymore. It needs experience in all types of payroll and up-to-date compliance knowledge.

That’s why so many accountancy firms are partnering with payroll providers to provide a payroll service for their clients. Great service for your clients and freeing up of our valuable staff time.

Woman in a pink pant suit holding a mobile phone

How can payroll outsourcing help your practice?

Many practices already outsource activities, like tax filing and bookkeeping.

Payroll is another task that’s not core to your business but still needs to be done. Here’s why outsourcing payroll makes sense:

Add value with our Elementary app

Want to impress your clients with a top-notch payroll service? Our Elementary app is sure to do the trick and make a great impression.

Not only does it let employees view their payslips and pay info, it can also be used for employee communications, storing HR documents and even making holiday requests.

Elementary is part of our managed payroll solution for accountants. Just one more reason to choose Ascend.

Elementary screenshot showing an iphone on a transparent background

our latest pearls of wisdom

Let’s have a chat about how we can transform your payroll

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